Wednesday, March 23, 2011

took a nap today and had 2 nightmares and 1 dream

The first dream was kinda emotionally nightmarish. I've been watching that show the secrete life of an American teenager and i blame that show for the cheapness of my dream. I was sleeping in this trailer outside what was our home and there was this wasp trying to sting me. it was horrible. i finally caught it using the blankets and smashed it in have but it was already trying to sting me so all the poison squirted everywhere when i killed it and somehow some of it got on the tip of my tongue and made it burn. I came inside telling my dad about how i was glad I didn't ever really get stung and then my i guess i was in a relationship with some guy who started telling me about how we should try letting him see this other girl because it could help our relationship or something. For some reason i agreed but was very conflicted with the whole situation. She came over and she was perfect. I heard her telling him that her family would love him because he was so handsome and further luring him to her by telling him her family was rich. I took off to the garage of our house were my "friend" was and there was this cool little old style mustang she was fixing. She advised that i should take shop class and fix and drive cool cars because guys think that girls that do that are cool. i ended up just going back inside and wanted to take a shower. I went into the bathroom and it was like this huge room where all these other girls were taking showers too. This one girl was all freaking out because she was extremely shy so i was waiting for her to get out and i woke up.

The next dream i had was short. I heard my boyfriend robert get home from the store and i drifted off into sleep thinking that i was awake i went to our kitchen and started spraying down the kitchen floor so i could mop it but i noticed the door was open . So as i was going to close the door i noticed a dark figure outside the door. I was terrified and because i was scared it seemed that everything was going in slow motion and i was freaking out cuz i didn't think i could close the door fast enough. then i woke up

I drifted off into sleep once again and once again i thought i was awake hanging out in our living room. there were people there who were trying to film ghosts with what looked like an ipod touch. we turned off all the lights and the girl explained that they always try to film oddities because those are the ghosts . instantly i saw a black and white image of a women screaming and we heard her shrill voice with full force and i became paralyzed with fear. i woke up scared of passing out into a nightmare again but i summoned the strength to say my boyfriend Roberts name and it helped me stay awake . I definitely dont want to fall asleep for awhile after that.

Dream log continued

I can remeber 2 dreams yesterday that conneceted.

First I remember being on the roof at The Pinata house and my cousins where there specifically ivan Clar her boyfriend and my brother and I think.
We were about to have a Bud Session when I had to go upstairs to get something. So I starting to head inside and my cousins girl friend cedes was there. She was upset so I hurried past her and saw my aunt working on some star pinatas in the front store room.
I felt guilty about just leaving her to do all the wok alone so I started helping her make some crazy looking purple and blue star pinatas with crimped streamers. I looked twords the back yard becuase I knew everyone was waiting for me and I saw my cousin daniel through the door then I woke up.

The next dream I had was upsetting. I dont recall how it started but we were drinking some beers at the pinata house and my brother josh wanted to go to saint vincents to pick up bud. I was pretty upset becuase we were already all messed up and having a good time. I even tried slapping some sense into him but it was like I had no strength. I saw Daniel taking off through the back gate and I tried stoping him to tell him to talk to my brother and make him change his mind but he just took off which made me feel like he didn't really care which was depressing. In the end me my brother and my cousin chris got in the back seat of a car and started driving I forgot where but it was dark out and I was having a cheap time I was pretty sad. Chris tried making me feel better......but idk. We finally got back and they were having a party for my grandma It was still day out.
For some reason I was in the mode to get ready to leave but I decided to stay becuase in reality thats what I really wanted to do. My cousin yvette and ivan met us at the gate and told me I had to park the car so I started driving and I think chris came with me and we went up on a one way street almost crashing into 2 little boys on their bikes and a white truck becuase the brakes didnt work right. It was horrible I started backing up very quickly and the car was just bearly under my control . I couldn't find any parking so I started go up further down the street and the road started turning into these crazy steep hills with shape curves and for some reason I was trying to drive the car from the back seat and I was freaking out becuase no matter how hard I tried to push the brakes it seemed like I was accidently pressing the pedal for the gas it was like neither pedals could stop the car. It was terrifying . Then I woke up