Friday, December 18, 2009

Dreams of last night

Oh my god welcome to the world of the craziness in Sen's mind. It's very embarrassing to actually write down everything that happens in my dreams so I might cut some of it out until I get more comfortable writing stuff like this on the internet. So last night I had the weirdest dream. I had just watched Naruto and was thinking about fatal frame before I went to sleep so what do you know lol I had dreams related to those topics. I cant remember everything exactly but all I know is a lot of people got killed in order to change the breakfast menu to include eggs and sausage. That part of the dream wasn't very important though, but I remember my dad telling me thats why everyone died, and I was thinking that's kinda like what happened in that episode of Naruto where Itachi killed everyone in his village. ( Itachi is Sasuke's older brother in the anime Naruto. Pretty bomb anime I'd recommend to anyone.) Any ways, after that it was time to go to sleep. I was all of a sudden in my old house and for some reason Robert (my boyfriend) didn't want to sleep with me in my room. Instead he wanted to sleep in the living room with my cousin and my brother which made me very upset.
Then the dream fast forwarded and I remember thinking that I was in a bunk bed and he was sleeping on the bottom of me. I kept on trying to get up and go to the bottom of the bed to talk to him but for some reason I kept on waking up. I was trying my hardest not to fall back asleep and to get up and talk to him. For some reason when I was awake I still thought that the dream was real and that Robert was sleeping below me. I felt as though he hadn't slept with me the whole night. I was extremely confused as to what was reality. After I came close to remembering I would fall back asleep and be in the reality of the dream again. I was struggling so much to just talk to him that my dream all of a sudden turned into a nightmare. I was in the scariest part of the horror game fatal frame running away with Robert from the most horrible looking ghosts. I had always hoped I would never have a nightmare about that.

(This is kinda what the ghost looked like)

(This is the room I was in and this is the ghost in the game that I was running from but I couldn't find the picture where you can see what she really looks like when you fight her.)

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