Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Prologue: I was going through some of my old posts and reading up on my old dreams and its incredible how vague some of those dreams are ,some things I have just completely forgotten, so I decided to write down my dreams more often and observe if this trend continues

Dreams of last night: I was at my old school Manual arts and we were going through the Building where I used to have my math class and i took my boyfriend up to a classroom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ (note to self : Love dolls I saw early before sleeping were in my dream -_-) then we went outside for some reason and it had a resident evil feeling to it and for some odd reason there were Zoo animals roaming around everywhere!! We were trying to find another empty room and when I opened the door to another classroom My cousin Daniel was sitting down talking to I forgot who and I was all surprised and like Hey! what are you doing here ^_^ then I woke up

I had another dream that my mom was all stressed out about not getting to go out and for some reason i was telling her to not get so stressed becuase it effects everyone around her . She ended up getting all mad at me and took off. Next thing i know i see a car that looks like mine taking off . My cousins Luis and Melissa were sitting right next to me and were shocked that she took off like that. My cousin Luis was really upset about it for some reason and I remember saying that she probably got mad at me because I'm not sensitive enough. In the end it turns out she didn't even leave and she came back all happy because her husband Richie called her and they were going to go out with a bunch of friends -_- (pretty lame dream I know)

Later I was at The piƱata house and Ivan my cousin was drinking a 211 and I told him to Let me have one. we both were having a good time till I sensed one of my parents was going to come up and get made at me or make me feel like I'm a low life for drinking so I ran to his room to hide my beer by shoving it under some covers and of course my mom burned me and was telling my I was all drunk and couldn't even hide my beer right cuz it almost spilled under the covers I had hidden it under. ( Another Lame Dream)

last dream I remember is hanging out with a bunch of people I knew in this weird liquor store with couches that my cats had ruined which I tried fixing by placing covers over the scratched up sides. The women from will and grace who has the high pitched voice was there and we knew each other for some reason and I ended up begging her for a pack of ciggerettes for some reason (even though I don't smoke em) One of the girls we were with got all jealous because of that for some unknown reason which ruined my day .Then we went outside to some crazy Yard sale that had all sorts of things and were checking out some of their couches particularly this one orange couch sitting atop some metal sculpture. anndd................... thats all I remember

MARCH 21 2011 Dreams ~

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