Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This house has SooooooOOOoooOOoo many memory's ! My family's going through some hard times because of some heartless soulless people( I dont think anybody cares to hear the story so I wont spread gossip) . I just wish someone could help up restore this house back to its beautiful state.Random thoughts: Its extremely late and I have the worst sleeping habits ever!!! Im going to try and not sleep at all tonight so hopefully I can set my schedule straight. I doubt I'm going to be able to do it though -_-
p.s. i just noticed theres barbecue sauce on my key board T-T

So Ive been thinking what the purpose of this whole writing blog thing is and I have yet to figure it out. I guess im just bored and dont really feel like saying whats really going on in my life here or anywhere else. It seems like everyone else actually has something to offer on these blogs but I dont really have much. Im just too BLah just out of it most of the time. Maybe I'll come up with something but I'm just always occupied with other things.

random notes- School is stressful
I wish things were different There are a lot of things constantly bothering cuz of what happened to me in the past ( I wish I could erase my memory sometimes I swear! ) <<
Whats the deal with this worldd
WTf Is up with zeitgeist 3
I love my family too much it hurts I wish they could love me like I love them ,unconditionally,
despite any horrible rumors
I'm a lonley girl and sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with that
I feel like this is pretty much a good representation of my mind right now . I dont want to sound like a downer but what can I say what can I do ,nothing but be distracted. Its not so bad just a little mundane

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