Friday, December 16, 2011

the future

It is a dawning a new era where a world without the profiting off death of humanity and the world, a world without the sickening media, and I not sure if I can dare to even say, a world without money is possible. Money is the cause of 95% of crimes committed in the world. Just pay attention to reason, logic, and numbers. More than 90% of the 6 billion people living on earth deserve to be heard and treated fairly. Our society only works through obtaining unfulfilled jobs and paying the rich. Is obtaining money to survive with a job worth it when, "In fact, if you take a moment to reflect on the jobs in existence today which automation could take over right now if applied, 75% of the global workforce could be replaced by mechanization tomorrow." -- 123:01 -Zeitgeist moving forward.

Engineers are working to free people from boring soul sucking jobs not politicians. Politicians, bankers, and rich only make those who were replaced by a machine into a money slave in debt rather than a free man. Technology has outdated many things with its progress. Even the need to get a job to obtain money to survive is becoming outdated. Don't miss the signs, pay attention to the potential and possibilities a world without money can have. Did you know We can feed, cloth, house, and be free of more than 90% of crimes in the world without money and that's a fact. It's not that there's not enough paper with pictures on it to pass around, maybe its that we're outdated, and have a bunch of old rich top 1% who don't care about the rest running the show. After all they go to great lengths to poison our air,water, food, loved ones, animals, planet, and minds.

It reminds me of what Albert Einstein himself said, "I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity forward, even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause. The example of great and pure characters is the only thing that can produce fine ideas and noble deeds. Money only appeals to selfishness and always tempts its owners irresistibly to abuse it. Can anyone imagine Moses, Jesus, or Gandhi armed with the money-bags of Carnegie?"

Monday, May 30, 2011

may 30

Late night pinata house. Back through the black gate into the Streets of Downtown. Past the parade of drunken People dressed for halloween. Into a open mic music club where only ciggarettes are allowed only to be back out the door going up the long residential streets to finally blaze.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

astro projection

well I saw this youtube vid i put a pulliow over my eyes so it was dark and imagined like a infinity sign like if i was wearing infinity sign goggles to lock on to my pineal gland idk like to activate it got really comfotable and i began to... see my room like if my eyes were open i was scared though becuase i feel a presence in my house and i felt like i would see it in the astro plane which i did 0_0 2 of them a tall young guy and a small boy and they ran into my bathroom as if to hide from me becuase they knew i was scared or something idk but i jumped and pulled the pillow off my eyes and kept thinking omg that wasnt a dream

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I just dont know anymore

Have you ever felt like your someone else? The observer side of me the thought side of me isnt truely out there. Is that wrong? Are we really just living a dream within a dream. I just feel like screaming and dying and saying FUCK THIS WORLD but I feel like its wrong to do that for some unknown reason to me but this unkown reason is enough for me not to do those things. I wonder if its weird to feel like that. I remember that this world is something not to be taken for granted but why doesnt that moment of remembering stay with me throughout all my moments. Its funny becuase I can get all depressed and pessimistic but in a instant can just laugh it off. I guess cuz I cant take anything about myself too serisouly becuase things are always changing. In ways ranting about depressing thoughts always end up as something I would prefer not to do. I feel like I need to find a way to be more me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

took a nap today and had 2 nightmares and 1 dream

The first dream was kinda emotionally nightmarish. I've been watching that show the secrete life of an American teenager and i blame that show for the cheapness of my dream. I was sleeping in this trailer outside what was our home and there was this wasp trying to sting me. it was horrible. i finally caught it using the blankets and smashed it in have but it was already trying to sting me so all the poison squirted everywhere when i killed it and somehow some of it got on the tip of my tongue and made it burn. I came inside telling my dad about how i was glad I didn't ever really get stung and then my i guess i was in a relationship with some guy who started telling me about how we should try letting him see this other girl because it could help our relationship or something. For some reason i agreed but was very conflicted with the whole situation. She came over and she was perfect. I heard her telling him that her family would love him because he was so handsome and further luring him to her by telling him her family was rich. I took off to the garage of our house were my "friend" was and there was this cool little old style mustang she was fixing. She advised that i should take shop class and fix and drive cool cars because guys think that girls that do that are cool. i ended up just going back inside and wanted to take a shower. I went into the bathroom and it was like this huge room where all these other girls were taking showers too. This one girl was all freaking out because she was extremely shy so i was waiting for her to get out and i woke up.

The next dream i had was short. I heard my boyfriend robert get home from the store and i drifted off into sleep thinking that i was awake i went to our kitchen and started spraying down the kitchen floor so i could mop it but i noticed the door was open . So as i was going to close the door i noticed a dark figure outside the door. I was terrified and because i was scared it seemed that everything was going in slow motion and i was freaking out cuz i didn't think i could close the door fast enough. then i woke up

I drifted off into sleep once again and once again i thought i was awake hanging out in our living room. there were people there who were trying to film ghosts with what looked like an ipod touch. we turned off all the lights and the girl explained that they always try to film oddities because those are the ghosts . instantly i saw a black and white image of a women screaming and we heard her shrill voice with full force and i became paralyzed with fear. i woke up scared of passing out into a nightmare again but i summoned the strength to say my boyfriend Roberts name and it helped me stay awake . I definitely dont want to fall asleep for awhile after that.

Dream log continued

I can remeber 2 dreams yesterday that conneceted.

First I remember being on the roof at The Pinata house and my cousins where there specifically ivan Clar her boyfriend and my brother and I think.
We were about to have a Bud Session when I had to go upstairs to get something. So I starting to head inside and my cousins girl friend cedes was there. She was upset so I hurried past her and saw my aunt working on some star pinatas in the front store room.
I felt guilty about just leaving her to do all the wok alone so I started helping her make some crazy looking purple and blue star pinatas with crimped streamers. I looked twords the back yard becuase I knew everyone was waiting for me and I saw my cousin daniel through the door then I woke up.

The next dream I had was upsetting. I dont recall how it started but we were drinking some beers at the pinata house and my brother josh wanted to go to saint vincents to pick up bud. I was pretty upset becuase we were already all messed up and having a good time. I even tried slapping some sense into him but it was like I had no strength. I saw Daniel taking off through the back gate and I tried stoping him to tell him to talk to my brother and make him change his mind but he just took off which made me feel like he didn't really care which was depressing. In the end me my brother and my cousin chris got in the back seat of a car and started driving I forgot where but it was dark out and I was having a cheap time I was pretty sad. Chris tried making me feel better......but idk. We finally got back and they were having a party for my grandma It was still day out.
For some reason I was in the mode to get ready to leave but I decided to stay becuase in reality thats what I really wanted to do. My cousin yvette and ivan met us at the gate and told me I had to park the car so I started driving and I think chris came with me and we went up on a one way street almost crashing into 2 little boys on their bikes and a white truck becuase the brakes didnt work right. It was horrible I started backing up very quickly and the car was just bearly under my control . I couldn't find any parking so I started go up further down the street and the road started turning into these crazy steep hills with shape curves and for some reason I was trying to drive the car from the back seat and I was freaking out becuase no matter how hard I tried to push the brakes it seemed like I was accidently pressing the pedal for the gas it was like neither pedals could stop the car. It was terrifying . Then I woke up

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Prologue: I was going through some of my old posts and reading up on my old dreams and its incredible how vague some of those dreams are ,some things I have just completely forgotten, so I decided to write down my dreams more often and observe if this trend continues

Dreams of last night: I was at my old school Manual arts and we were going through the Building where I used to have my math class and i took my boyfriend up to a classroom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ (note to self : Love dolls I saw early before sleeping were in my dream -_-) then we went outside for some reason and it had a resident evil feeling to it and for some odd reason there were Zoo animals roaming around everywhere!! We were trying to find another empty room and when I opened the door to another classroom My cousin Daniel was sitting down talking to I forgot who and I was all surprised and like Hey! what are you doing here ^_^ then I woke up

I had another dream that my mom was all stressed out about not getting to go out and for some reason i was telling her to not get so stressed becuase it effects everyone around her . She ended up getting all mad at me and took off. Next thing i know i see a car that looks like mine taking off . My cousins Luis and Melissa were sitting right next to me and were shocked that she took off like that. My cousin Luis was really upset about it for some reason and I remember saying that she probably got mad at me because I'm not sensitive enough. In the end it turns out she didn't even leave and she came back all happy because her husband Richie called her and they were going to go out with a bunch of friends -_- (pretty lame dream I know)

Later I was at The piƱata house and Ivan my cousin was drinking a 211 and I told him to Let me have one. we both were having a good time till I sensed one of my parents was going to come up and get made at me or make me feel like I'm a low life for drinking so I ran to his room to hide my beer by shoving it under some covers and of course my mom burned me and was telling my I was all drunk and couldn't even hide my beer right cuz it almost spilled under the covers I had hidden it under. ( Another Lame Dream)

last dream I remember is hanging out with a bunch of people I knew in this weird liquor store with couches that my cats had ruined which I tried fixing by placing covers over the scratched up sides. The women from will and grace who has the high pitched voice was there and we knew each other for some reason and I ended up begging her for a pack of ciggerettes for some reason (even though I don't smoke em) One of the girls we were with got all jealous because of that for some unknown reason which ruined my day .Then we went outside to some crazy Yard sale that had all sorts of things and were checking out some of their couches particularly this one orange couch sitting atop some metal sculpture. anndd................... thats all I remember

MARCH 21 2011 Dreams ~


This house has SooooooOOOoooOOoo many memory's ! My family's going through some hard times because of some heartless soulless people( I dont think anybody cares to hear the story so I wont spread gossip) . I just wish someone could help up restore this house back to its beautiful state.Random thoughts: Its extremely late and I have the worst sleeping habits ever!!! Im going to try and not sleep at all tonight so hopefully I can set my schedule straight. I doubt I'm going to be able to do it though -_-
p.s. i just noticed theres barbecue sauce on my key board T-T

So Ive been thinking what the purpose of this whole writing blog thing is and I have yet to figure it out. I guess im just bored and dont really feel like saying whats really going on in my life here or anywhere else. It seems like everyone else actually has something to offer on these blogs but I dont really have much. Im just too BLah just out of it most of the time. Maybe I'll come up with something but I'm just always occupied with other things.

random notes- School is stressful
I wish things were different There are a lot of things constantly bothering cuz of what happened to me in the past ( I wish I could erase my memory sometimes I swear! ) <<
Whats the deal with this worldd
WTf Is up with zeitgeist 3
I love my family too much it hurts I wish they could love me like I love them ,unconditionally,
despite any horrible rumors
I'm a lonley girl and sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with that
I feel like this is pretty much a good representation of my mind right now . I dont want to sound like a downer but what can I say what can I do ,nothing but be distracted. Its not so bad just a little mundane